
BBC News Labs 2021

I’ve now completed my second full year working as software engineer in the News Labs team at the BBC. Another year working from home; the team officially moved into BBC R&D; and I was promoted to senior engineer.

In 2021 I worked on:

  • mosromgr, a Python library for managing TV and radio running orders, which this year we open sourced and we’re currently working on rolling out to teams around the BBC to make use of
  • Semi-automated chapter points for the Radio 4 Today programme, which went live as a month-long trial
  • MODUS, an experiment in using machine-summarised articles for new formats such as the bullet-point list in the public beta of the BBC News app, currently being trialled for red button services
  • BBC Images, a new image search tool for journalists based on the Guardian’s open source GRID platform
  • Oriel, an image collections curation tool based on BBC Images with a metadata enrichment pipeline
  • IDX, a prototype tool for marking important segments of live TV and radio programmes for re-use to make them accessible to personalisation services and more

Here’s our 2021 highlights video:

I also gave a talk about mosromgr and our work on R4 Today at EuroPython:

Check out the News Labs website and you can follow us on Twitter: @BBC_News_Labs.