
All Things Open 2016 – Raspberry Pi for everyone!

I recently attended All Things Open, an open-source conference in Raleigh, North Carolina, run by Red Hat. I was invited by my friends at – and it was a great opportunity to meet the team and some of the moderators, columnists and contributors.

I was asked to give a lightning talk, and I decided to speak about the Raspberry Pi Foundation’s mission: what we do, how we do it, and where we’re at now! Here’s the video of the talk (3m20s):

My slides are published on speakerdeck. I also wrote an article on the same subject for my column that month: Raspberry Pi continues to blaze new trails.

I also got the opportunity to visit Red Hat Towers, and meet their CEO Jim Whitehurst to talk about why I contribute to And for the conference social afterparty, they’d booked nerdcore artist MC Frontalot!

Thanks to the All Things Open and teams, to Red Hat, to Jim Whitehurst, and to all the speakers at ATO!