
Ben Nuttall

Software engineer at the BBC. Former Raspberry Pi Community Manager. Creator of GPIO Zero and piwheels.

Latest blog posts

PyCon UK 2023 talks

I was back in Cardiff for PyCon UK recently and gave a talk on a BBC project I’ve been working on, called Live Highlights. I’m not doing as many conference talks as I used to – this is my only one of the year! I spoke about how we prototyped an idea and built it […]

BBC News Labs 2021

I’ve now completed my second full year working as software engineer in the News Labs team at the BBC. Another year working from home; the team officially moved into BBC R&D; and I was promoted to senior engineer. In 2021 I worked on: mosromgr, a Python library for managing TV and radio running orders, which […]

Client Horror Stories

Following the success of my article The surreal experience of my first developer job, which made it to the top of Hacker News for a whole day, I was invited to tell the story on the excellent podcast Client Horror Stories. The video is available on Thanks to Morgan for having me on!

The surreal experience of my first developer job

Nearly ten years ago I graduated with a degree in Mathematics & Computing, with a keen interest in pursuing a career involving maths and programming, but with little idea how. First and foremost I had decided to stay in Manchester after uni, rather than risk getting stuck at my parents’ if I moved back home. […]

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